NMR spectroscopy has inherently low sensitivity, to overcome this a number of approaches may be used, such as hyperpolarisation, where the source of polarisation is not the local magnetic field. One possible source is para-hydrogen (a spin isomer of H₂). There’s a range of methods to transfer polarisation from para-hydrogen to the compound of interest, one such method is SABRE which was pioneered by Simon Duckett and his team at the University of York. On our X-Pulse Broadband Benchtop NMR Spectrometer, SABRE had been used to hyperpolarise a range of molecules, with at least a thousand-fold enhancement in signal intensity, observed in proton, fluorine-19, carbon-13 and silicon-29 NMR spectra. The fully tuneable user removable broadband probe and external deuterium lock, makes the X-Pulse ideal for these advanced experiments and techniques.
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