Measurement of Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) in waste water is a crucial parameter in water quality control and environmental monitoring performed by water suppliers’ laboratories and environmental authorities; the contamination builds up in the sewerage system and will eventually lead to blockages. Typically the waste water is analysed by first passing a large volume through a filter then selectively determining the grease build-up on the dried filter by an analytical method.
Solvent extraction techniques are commonly used for determination of grease content on filters. However, these methods can be time consuming, require skilled operators and the use of hazardous solvents. In contrast, our benchtop NMR analyser, MQC+, provides a solvent-free alternative that is quick and easy to perform, simple to calibrate and requires no additional sample preparation. As such it is ideal for non-specialist laboratory personnel.
Learn More About Enabling Accurate FOG Measurement