Part of the Oxford Instruments Group
Application Note

Inverse Heteronuclear Correlation

Two-dimensional Experiments

One of the big advances in NMR since its inception has been the introduction of 2-dimensional (2D) NMR experiments. Their introduction greatly increased the power of NMR for structural elucidation and broadened the range and complexity of problems that could be tackled. These experiments are a series of 1-dimensional (1D) experiments that differ only through a time increment which is introduced through the pulse sequences, resulting in a 2-dimensional array with two separate time evolutions - the direct measurement (t₂) and the indirect (t₁). A 2D Discrete Fourier Transform of the data generates a 2D spectrum with frequency axes F1 and F2. At high-field, the use of 2D NMR experiments has become routine and within the limits of practicality this should be the same for benchtop NMR.

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Application Note:  Two-dimensional Experiments: Inverse Heteronuclear Correlation

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