Part of the Oxford Instruments Group
Application Note

Determining droplet size distribution in emulsions using MQC-R - a benchtop time domain NMR instrument

In many industries, there is a requirement to easily and reliably determine the droplet size distribution (DSD) in the dispersed phase of an emulsion without disrupting the sample structure. Traditional measurement methods are optically based, therefore it is difficult to analyse opaque samples which must be at a fixed temperature to prevent destabilizing the emulsion. Furthermore, measurement and data analysis can take hours.

The MQC-R time domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analyser provides an established method for non-destructively measuring the bulk droplet size distribution across the whole sample, not just on the surface, non-destructively. Sample preparation is simple and the results are quick to acquire and reproducible.

DSD analysis is commonly used for quality control of margarines and other spreads to ensure that they are microbiologically stable. The emulsion is stabilised at the desired temperature, in this instance 5°C, and both the measurement and data analysis take place in minutes. The same instrument may be used for measuring solid fat content of the fat/oil/blend used in the margarine; the melting profile is important for its end use, for example, as a spread, frying or baking.

The use of the MQC-R allows more definitive and accurate formulation of new products, increased consistency in manufacturing operations, better process control, and ultimately reduced costs.

By downloading this application note you will learn:

  • how TD-NMR measures droplet size
  • how those measurements can take place whilst preserving sample structure
  • the advantages of using MQC-R for droplet size and other related measurements

Application Note: Determining droplet size distribution in emulsions using MQC-R - a benchtop time domain NMR instrument

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