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¹H-¹H COSY & TOCSY two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy

One of the great strengths of NMR spectroscopy, is the wide range of pulse sequences available; and hence different spectra and therefore information which may be obtained.

One important type of pulse sequences are two-dimensional homonucelar correlation spectra. In this application note, we introduce two of the most common Correlation SpectroscopY

(COSY) and TOtal Correlation SpectroscopY (TOCSY), using them to illustrate how two-dimensional sequences work; and by comparing data acquired on a pair of structural isomers, the different information which could be obtained.

By downloading this application note you will learn:

  • How two-dimensional NMR works
  • The difference between COSY and TOCSY NMR spectra
  • How to interpret COSY and TOCSY NMR spectra

¹H-¹H COSY & TOCSY two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy

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Spin Locking: Total Correlation Spectroscopy (TOCSY) For more information