Part of the Oxford Instruments Group

Carbon Storage Research Papers

There is extensive research ongoing using our GeoSpec NMR instruments to evaluate properties of reservoirs and rocks for carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), and specifically for CO2 storage and sequestration including under high pressure and core flooding conditions. Below are details and links to selected recent publications.

Paper of the Month 

Rock pore-scale phenomena, including dissolution, precipitation, and swelling impact carbon dioxide storage and particularly CO2 mineralization capacity. New research assessed rocks from a potential site for carbon storage via carbon dioxide injection. A GeoSpec NMR determined the magnitude and distribution of physical-chemical-induced changes in pore space after fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction processes.

Shaina Kelly with collaborators at Columbia University and Green Imaging Technologies conducted before and after NMR measurements accompanying brine, CO2-laden brine or supercritical CO2 core flow experiments.

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