Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a widely used technique in analytical chemistry laboratories. Due to its non-invasive and non-destructive nature, it’s perfect for in situ reaction monitoring or hyphenation with other techniques in a QA/QC lab. Benchtop NMR has a number of advantages over traditional high field NMR. It is smaller and more compact so can be used right beside the bench, or even inside a fume hood. This is in contrast to high field instruments that often require their own room to operate in and a continuous supply of very expensive cryogen. Cryogen-free benchtop NMR however, relies on permanent magnets and can be easily transported between labs or to manufacturing lines. Our unique broadband NMR spectroscopy with capability to analyse nearly all NMR active chemical nuclei has significantly increased the number of applications that can be addressed by benchtop NMR across education, academia, and industry. These include structural identification, reaction monitoring, and flow chemistry to name a few.
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